K & R Coaches offer a safe place for people approaching or coping with retirement to ask questions, explore professional possibilities or personal ideas, and address fears and concerns. We use powerful questions and share insights that enable you to access your own wisdom and move toward your dreams. Together we support you in setting goals and creating a strategy for achieving them.

Our coaching can help you:

  • advance or change your career,
  • identify blocks in making decisions,
  • build courage and confidence in taking big steps forward,
  • enhance your personal and professional relationships,
  • improve your health and well-being,
  • find greater meaning and purpose, and
  • create new habits that generate more positive results.

Jane Kerschner and Fran Randolph met during a Retirement Options(™) Advanced Coaching Program.  Jane and Fran soon realized that their personal stories offered a perfect example of what’s possible in the next chapter of life. Weaving together their diverse backgrounds and expertise, they found they made an ideal team to address the challenges and opportunities  of a rewarding retirement.  Their mission is to help others prepare for their own next chapters, by including the dreams, opportunities and goals they want in their lives.

For more details ...

... click on these links to the individual bios for Jane Kerschner, M.A. Ed, PCC and Fran Randolph, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., CPCC, ACC.